In the US there are more than 3.5 thousand colleges and universities. It should be noted that between the words "college" and "university" for the Americans a big difference there. Both concepts refer to the same thing - an educational institution that provides the opportunity to receive higher education, essayghostwritingly. And in the university and college can get a bachelor's degree, master's and doctorate. The difference is that the university is much larger, it learns more students and it may consist of several colleges. For example, Harvard University is made up of medical, engineering, college, business school, etc.
There are two-year colleges (junior, or community college) and a four-year education. In junior college, as a rule, are students who live at home, and part of the cost of study in its take on the local authorities. Therefore, it is quite cheap training for "local people". For those who come back from another state or country, education is more expensive. For admission enough to pass TOEFL. Often, after the junior college student enters the third year of a 4-year college and finished it, he receives a bachelor's degree. He set off all the credits and estimates that he received a two-year college. We can say that studying in a college - a kind of preparation for more serious study of 4-year college or university. After graduating, the graduate receives a diploma of secondary special education (associate degree), and can be operated, for example, a nurse (nurse), a kindergarten teacher, secretary, etc.
In the American system of education play an important role so-called "small" and "medium" colleges. It includes small colleges, the number of students that do not have more than 1.5 thousand. Man in the middle is learning from 1.5 thousand. Up to 5 thousand. Students. For example, Reed College in Oregon - small, since it has about 1.3 thousand students, and in particular small college Pitzer College in California, all 880 students.. Wittenberg University in Ohio - medium (an enrollment of 2.2 thousand students.) As well as Shepherd College in West Virginia, where their 4 th .. In small and medium-sized colleges are active support services for international students. That they created a special program of financial support to students from abroad, as well as programs to help students adjust to the realities of American life.
In the US, there are also specialized colleges, organized by gender or religious basis. For example, Wabash College in Indiana and Deep Springs College in California - for men only; University of Dallas in Texas, University of Notre Dame in Indiana - for Catholics, etc.
The college can be both day and evening classes. Full-time student per semester: The first semester begins in late August and ends in December, the second semester runs from January to April-May. On the evening department academic year is divided into trimesters, with breaks between them. For example, ending Michaelmas term on November 16, students pass the winter on 17 November.
Before submitting documents in one or another college, study, several schools, check if they have a program of financial aid to foreign students, how much they cost, what are the admission requirements, and only then proceed to the choice. "
Student Calendar, or the route of college
If you understand well why you want to study it in the US if you finally choose a college (or more colleges), it's time to take up the preparation of documents. Study in almost all universities of America begins in August, and to enter it is necessary to begin to prepare for the 12-18 months. First of all, ask your chosen colleges send brochures and catalogs containing information about college programs, its location, conditions of entry and residence, traditions, achievements, etc. You will also receive a questionnaire which must be filled. It should be noted that the questionnaire (application form) - one of the most important documents for admission - may include one or more of the thematic issues that must be answered in the form of a short essay. For example, "book I recently read," "Why do I want to study in this college", "My plans for the future", etc. Of these works the selection committee draws conclusions about your personal qualities, skills, ability to competently and clearly express their thoughts, etc. The questionnaire can also be filled on the website of your chosen college.
At the same time, try to register for the tests: TOEFL or SAT, depending on the college requirements. The document is the result of the delivery is also required for admission.
Closer to the fall, by October-November, prepare a copy of high school diploma, translated into English and notarized medical certificate, ask the school principal and the teacher of one of the main subjects to write rekomendatsii.Itak documents sent. In the period from January to April, try to find out whether they have reached in time. college answer usually comes in the spring, in April and May. If you have received several invitations to study, then select the most suitable college
and requested to send you additional information.
Finally, in the summer, you will need to contact the "advisor" - international advisor or assistant Have, which is available in almost every college and engaged in the work with foreign students. He'll tell you how to proceed, and under favorable circumstances, in August you sit behind a desk.
Do not forget the most important thing! If you are asking the institution to provide you with financial assistance (scholarships), it is better to do in the fall, along with the shipping documents. You can make a discount of, say, 50%. If the price still will not suit you, in the spring once again requested financial support, and by the summer the situation becomes clearer.
If you are going to be transferred from a Russian university in the US, the procedure for admission does not change. But in this case you have to add to the package of documents for a list of assessments of the courses, which should be translated into English and notarized, and recommendations from university professors. Some of the subjects of study in an American college you can set off.
Catching up on paperwork, try to fulfill all the requirements clearly and accurately, without adding too much as Americans follow the "discipline" of the work performed, and if it is written, "to answer this question, it is desirable on the same page", then do so. After all, if the volume is greater, then your essay simply will not read ...