четвер, 2 лютого 2017 р.
Valentine's Day celebration around the World
Valentine's Day - a holiday, February 14 noted by many people around the world. It was named after an early Christian martyr. St. Valentin lived in the Italian city of Terni, in the III century and was executed on 14 February 270 AD.
It is believed that he was canonized by Pope Gelasius I in 494 BC In some dioceses of the Catholic Church in this day celebrate the memory of St. Valentine. In Russia, the holiday is secular.
"Day of St. Valentine "was set in the Roman Empire at the end of V in. BC to "kill" the pagan customs. These days in Rome anciently celebrated the so-called "Lupercalia," (from the Latin lupus -. Wolf). In the sanctuary, arranged in a cave on the slopes of the Palatine hill and called Lupercal perform sacrifices: zhretsy- "Luperci" slaughtered goat (animal, which was considered the most palatable for the wolf) and a dog (animal, the most hated wolf). Then, down the aisle came two naked young men (they are also called Luperci), and each of the two priests, to offer a sacrifice, applied a bloody knife to his forehead one Luperci, and then wiped his white-haired goats. Then slain animals and flay of their skins were cut narrow belts, called "Februa". Essayghostwritingly Both Luperci belts such belt cords pinched in the hands of the remaining seats, ran naked out of the cave and begin a ritual run around Palatine Hill, lashing straps all comes their way. From these impacts not only no one shied away, but on the contrary - a woman and a girl with a cheerful laugh tripped Luperci back, shoulders and chest: it was believed that it gives luck in love, make a happy marriage and ensures plenty of offspring. It is believed that the name of the sacred belts Luperci - "Februa" - was the name of the month in the middle of the festival which took place (in the middle of which will be celebrated on Valentine's Day), "february" - February.
Even in Caesar's time, no one could really explain what the Lupercalia and how to understand the rituals associated with them. Therefore, as always in such cases, all the descriptions are met. It was said that the Lupercalia festival established the founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus - in honor of their milk suckled the she-wolf in a cave, and they were the first Luperci. It is possible that this cult goes back to the worship of Pan - god-patron of herds. One of the Faun nicknames was "Luperci", which literally means "protected from the wolves," and the god often depicted as a wolf. Sacrifice Luperci and celebration in his honor took place in mid-February, when the cattle began pairing, and prayed to God that he has blessed to breeding flocks and guarding them from wolves.
Some researchers have linked the holiday with the name of an ancient deity of Indo-Europeans known to Norse mythology as Vali, son of Odin and bindi, a skilled shooter and the warrior, the avenger of the murder of his brother Baldur (according to some legends, Baldur - god of light and sun in heart - is resurrected as the Wali, spring Sun [1]).
Thus, the February holiday in Rome ancient roots. In all its variants were next to the love and the fear of death and pain. Not surprisingly, in the end, and the memory of the Christian martyrs were riddled with all these subjects. Tradition depicting St. Valentine the patron saint secretly married lovers obviously applies to a later time.
Gradually, St Day. Valentine comes with its own customs and traditions. Some of them have survived to our time. In each country, they are different, but everywhere in the day it was very popular to arrange the wedding and get married. February 14 lovers give each other gifts and cards valentines. Most of the "Valentine" - anonymous, no return address, is written from right to left or left-handed. It adds mystery. However, then the recipients, who believe in fate, forced to look for an anonymous sender. Some argue that on the Day of St. Valentine woman can approach the beloved and politely ask him to marry her. If he is not ready for such a drastic step, you have to thank for the honor and give a woman a silk dress, and myself - silk cord strung with a heart on it.
In some countries, unmarried women give beloved clothes. If she accepted the gift, it means she agrees to marry this man. There is a legend according to which the first man met a girl on February 14 to be her Valentine regardless of his wishes. Some people believed that if the Day of St. Valentine woman saw a robin, she would marry a sailor, if - a sparrow, she is destined to marry a poor man and be happy with it if goldfinch - a millionaire.
Significant place in the ancient Roman celebration of the Day of Love was given to divination, and is still in Europe, for some it is a tradition. It is believed that on this day, 14 February, the birds choose a mate, and people need to hurry to have time to do the same. Therefore, for several centuries in a row in Europe girl write their names on pieces of paper, put them in a drawer, and then take out the boys out on leaves, thus choosing a mate for the whole year.
Klaccicheckoy emblemoy Valentinova day cchitayutcya kpacnye pozy, kotopye, coglacno antichnoy legend poyavilic blagodapya gpecheckoy bogine love and kpacoty: Afpodita, topopyac to cvoemu lyubimomu Adonicu, nactupila on kuct belyx poz and its bozhectvennaya kpov obagpila THEIR kpacny in color. Fevpalya 14 - day povysheniya ppoizvoditelnocti tpuda pochtovyx pabotnikov day and cvepxppibyley topgovtsev flowers and cuvenipami. According to the Association of the USA greeting cards, Valentine - the most popular holiday cards after Christmas. The CSHA pokupayut OK in etot day. 24 tycyachi poz per minute. 14 fevpalya elektponnyx poclany through the Internet is at milliony. It's hard to say what other holiday has become so popular over the past decade in how the Day of St. Valentina.
St Day. Valentine noted those who love and love, and those who just want something to note. Each country has its own traditions and characteristics. Festive tradition of St Day. Valentine formed in Europe, because that is where this holiday originated. It is also believed that the European tradition to celebrate Valentine's Day February 14 is tied to the "marriage day" birds - believed that at this time the birds begin mating season.
In Italy, where, according to one legend, originated day Saint. Valentine's Day was originally St. Valentine was celebrated as a spring festival. All celebrations were held in the open air. Young people gathered in the gazebo or the gardens and enjoyed listening to music and reading poetry. Later, they began to take a walk through the gardens, together with their loved ones. But this practice has ceased to exist over time. In Turin, one of the Italian cities, the bride and groom all announced their engagement on the day of St. Valentina. A few days before the holiday shopping filled and decorated with lots of sweets. Some of them even selling baskets and porcelain mugs to the brim filled with delicious treats, tied with ribbon. There was a belief that unmarried girl, waking up early at dawn, marry first encountered her on the road a man or a man like him. Therefore, the girl got up very early, and stood by the window waiting for a passerby. The Italians believe that the Day of St. Valentine, as well as Halloween and Mother's Day, was borrowed from the Americans. This holiday is celebrated today only lovers, but friends and family members do not exchange gifts. Couples that day arrange a romantic dinner in a restaurant or pizzeria. February 14 is called "sweet day". From the title it is clear that the main gifts are all kinds of candy, cookies and chocolates in the shape of a heart. Also popular are roses, perfume, chocolate and diamonds. Another very popular gift in Italy is «Baci Perugina» - small nuts hazelnuts, chocolate covered. Each candy is a note with the statement on the love theme in the four languages of the world.
St Day. Valentine - a very popular holiday in Australia, and its popularity is growing every year. Australians use the holiday as an opportunity to strengthen family ties, to meet with friends, talk with colleagues. It is said that during the gold rush in the Australian city of Ballarat miners became fabulously rich because there found a huge gold deposit. They ordered extravagant Valentine, the cost of which could reach several thousand Australian pounds. The most luxurious of them were made of satin pillows, exquisite fragrance of perfume and decorated with stuffed stuffed hummingbirds and birds of paradise. The treasure was to be kept in a special decorated casket. Just as in many other countries, Australians celebrate, giving cards and flowers to your loved ones. More and more people express their feelings via SMS. In addition, according to the research, men are more romantic in Australia and are open in the manifestation of his love than women. They buy more valentines than women.
In Austria, widely celebrate Valentine's Day started with the 950 years of the last century. It is said that this festival has brought the British occupation forces officer who served at that time in the city of Graz. According to modern legend, he bought a bouquet of February 14 his favorite, as was the custom in his country, but with a heart on a card there was some hesitation. Saleswoman, unfortunately, was unable to offer him anything like that, but painted for him on a piece of paper hearts, taking advantage of her lipstick.
In England, February 14 unmarried girls get up before sunrise, get near the window and look at the passing men. According to legend, the first man they see, and there betrothed.
The most popular gifts on Valentine's Day in the UK are considered to sweets in the form of hearts, stuffed toys, especially in the UK favorite Teddy bears, and constant postcards valentines. Children do not miss the occasion to get a gift for a holiday, something like our Christmas carols, when children go from house to house and sing songs:
Good morning, Valentine!
Congratulations to you - one,
Two - I congratulate you,
"Valentine," let me.
As a reward, children are treated to goodies give a little money "for ice cream."
Also vozlyublentnyh, British and congratulate beloved pets - horses, dogs, except that the presents they give those pets can appreciate. Teenagers compose touching recognition and sent her lover, as a destination point, "my Valentine" or "My Valentine". Since the British - the people of tradition, after receiving from each other recognitions, on clothing attached some sign with the name of her lover. It also happens that instead of "valentines" donor received an apple - a symbol of love and beauty.
It is believed that the tradition of celebrating the Valentine's Day brought to Britain the Roman legionaries. choose their own custom "Valentina" was circulated in medieval England. Some young men got together, wrote on pieces of parchment girls names, put them in a hat and draw lots. The girl, whose name was dropped out the young man, the whole year getting his "Valentina", and he did, "Valentine". "Valentin" resigned to his girlfriend's sonnets, she played the lute, accompanied everywhere, in short, behaved like a true knight. It is also the custom to decorate children adults. Children go from house to house and sang a song about Valentine's Day. And these days the British interpreted very broadly and love Happy Valentine not only people, but also loved animals, such as horses or dogs.
Wales is famous for its so-called "love spoons." Before the feast of love carved in wood spoon, decorate it with hearts, keys and keyholes, and give each other. This gift literally means: "You found a way to my heart."
Armenia on the eve of the Western Valentine's Day in Armenia celebrates its own festival lovers - Trndez. For more than two thousand years, it is one of the most popular folk holidays. According to tradition, on this day lovers suit jumping over the fire. The only way to temper their feelings and become truly happy.
There are different versions of its origin. According to ancient Armenian legends, love the appearance of your day are required to forest spirits. They jumped over the fire, in order to ignite your senses. For five hundred years BC adopt this method and people: jumping over the fire are mandatory for all the newlyweds and honeymooners.
Preheat the old feeling is not forbidden and seasoned spouses - in the event that there is already a certain coldness in the relationship. Then, according to tradition, it should jump to those who quarrel - a good heat and melt the ice of mistrust. The next step - the bride's ladies sat up and simply those who can not wait to seal the knot.
Folk customs largely overshadowed the Christian meaning of the holiday (Trndez - Presentation of the Lord), which is now remembered mostly priests and parishioners. Paganism has left a vivid form new Christian content and Trndez became a holiday of love. This day proclaimed by the afternoon blessing the newlyweds order of the Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II.
In Germany, St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers is not, and ... and neuro-psychiatric patients. In honor of the holiday of the Germans decorate asylums scarlet ribbons, and in the chapels hold special worship.
In the Netherlands, on February, 14 is not considered shameful if the woman will come to men and politely ask him to marry her. If this gesture will be appreciated, a man can only themselves to blame: he must give lady dress, preferably silk.
In Denmark romantic tradition of giving "love cards" - the most popular custom of St. Day. Valentina. Previously, these cards were a picture, where the love of a young man who gave his lover a wonderful gift, which the rays of light were directed was depicted. Now, any card is called a love postcard there is a set of colorful, sometimes musical love cards with charming messages in every bookstore. Traditionally Danes send white flowers-snowdrops - your friends and loved ones. Young people also write special love poems, romantic love notes and funny poems, known as gaekkebrev. The man who wrote the poem, more often than not signed, but leaves the dots instead of a signature. Girl, which is addressed the message must guess the sender's name. If it succeeds, then in the same year she received a chocolate Easter egg. St Day. Valentina in Denmark celebrated big shindig. Dear people sent flowers, gifts and cards. Nestle various music concerts, trade shows, game shows, dedicated to this event. Many couples book tables at restaurants, some like to visit the famous Tivoli amusement park, and some are planning a celebration of this day abroad.
In Iceland, on Valentine's Day bonfires in the name of the son of Odin - Wali (Wiley). Nevertheless, this holiday, as elsewhere in the world, symbolizes passionate love. There is in this country an interesting ritual: the girl in this day wear the guys on the embers of the neck, and in response to those hung on the neck of girls small stones. The main idea of this ceremony is that the buildup of the flame on the Day of Wali necessary that the friction of the stone stone appeared a spark.
St Day. Valentine's is celebrated in Canada on a large scale. Balls and parties are organized all over the country, so that people are able to express their feelings and lover at the same time fully enjoy the holiday. Roses, chocolates, candy and valentines - the most popular gifts. By tradition, the children on the Day of St. Valentine exchange gifts with your friends. Some schools organize general partying. Children folded valentines in large, colorfully decorated box, then the teacher or one of the children gives them. Children are encouraged to make their own hands valentines. A lot of guys give cards to teachers and parents, and high school organize dance evenings in honor of the holiday.
In Poland, February 14 visited the Poznan metropolis, where, according to legend, the relics of St. Valentine, and it is the miraculous icon of the main altar. Poles believe that a pilgrimage to her help in love affairs.
Tradition give beloved something sweet there in the United States. Previously love Americans and American women gave each other marzipan. It was quite a valuable gift, since marzipan contains sugar, which then was very expensive. Since 1800 began the widespread use of sugar beet and enterprising Americans began the production of caramel, the latter began to be painted in red and white - the color of passion and purity. On Sweetie scratch out appropriate holiday words. In the 50 years began to stack sweets in cardboard boxes in the shape of a heart. Traditionally Happy Valentine's congratulate not only those who are made in a romantic relationship, but also all those who simply love - moms, dads, grandparents. grandparents, friends.
In Finland Valentine's Day is celebrated the Day of friends. On this day, the Finns are thinking about how to be a true friend, children often write essays on the topic. on February 14 in Finland decided to reflect on human relationships between friends, lovers, family and even between quite unfamiliar to each other people. This festival began to celebrate since the mid-1980s, and in 1987 it was officially included in the holiday calendar. Tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day came to Finland from the United States through student exchanges and youth meetings, and so today the holiday is popular, primarily among young people, women and children. According to sociologists, the possible cause of the fact that in Finland Valentine's Day has become a day of friends, was the desire of Finns towards equality between men and women, and may be that in love as in friendship, the Finns especially appreciate the dedication, persistence and depth of feeling. But probably the most important cause of friends of the Day - what it allows you to join the celebration almost everyone, not just the happy lovers. As in other countries, in this day to send each other "Valentine", to present sweets, toys and other gifts with the image of hearts. According to the Finnish-mail friends Day is the second most popular holiday after Christmas and New Year. Every year on Valentine's Day Finns send about five million cards. Recently, with the development of technical progress cards usually complement e-mails and text messages on his cell phone.
In France, where the issues of love always treated with due respect, Valentine's Day has long been highly respected. Traditional gifts on this day is precious. A special feature is that it is a celebration not only of two loving people, but also all those who love: grandparents, friends, acquaintances. That gallant Frenchmen claim the right to "introduce" the first at such popular today, "valentines." Only in the Middle Ages, it was not a card, and love letters-quatrains. Besides cards hearts in France give lingerie, chocolate mousse, candy, romantic journeys, "lucky" lottery tickets, sliced hearts sausage, pink yogurt, artificial flowers, with a French accent boomy something like, "I'll love you forever." Also, the day of St. Valentine is considered the most successful day for marriage proposals. Under the champagne and dessert, sweetheart pulled the red (blue, white, blue) box with "fiansay", so-called "ring on her engagement."
Day Greeting. Valentine became in Sweden "their" holiday, despite the fact that it has no historical ties with the past of the country. Already in the 60s Swedish florists inspired Americans began to expand the annual campaign around the Holy Day. Valentina. In the 80 years celebration won wide popularity, and now the roses, mermaids, and cake in the shape of a heart are bought and sold in Sweden in huge quantities. First of all, this tradition has taken root among the youth, because the idea to show someone a token of love and is close to the Swedes. And if it is beneficial to the national economy and, as a prudent that the Swede is not happy?
In South Africa's Day of St. Valentine is celebrated with great enthusiasm and panache. The geographical location of the country has made it one of the most romantic places for the thousands of tourists who come to the country and occupy the beaches, when it comes time for the celebration of Valentine's Day. Traditionally this day is considered to invite a loved one on a date. To do this, choose the most romantic places. Young girls also attached a piece of paper with the name of her lover on the sleeve. In some places, men also followed this tradition. Long before the start of the holiday shopping and markets are decorated with fragrant flowers, hearts, angels. Parties and celebrations devoted to the holiday can sometimes last for a week, and this is one of the features of the culture of the country.
In India, the day of St. Valentine began to celebrate recently, but, nevertheless, with it gaining in popularity among the population every year. While some see this holiday as something peculiar to Western culture (for example, in 2004 a group of radical Hindus "Shiv Sena" demonstratively burned "valentine" in Mumbai), there is a huge number of people, mostly young people, which represents 14 February love - the day when you can express the innermost feelings to your loved one. As in other countries, in India, decided to give each other valentines and gifts. The euphoria of a holiday already beginning to be felt in the weeks prior to the day of lovers. Television, radio, print media are beginning to advertise on February 14, covering all aspects of the holiday. Book stores and gift shops are decorated with the symbols of St. Day. Valentine - roses, angels, balls in the form of heart. Shopping centers in the big cities organize fun competitions and distribute discount coupons in order to attract buyers. February 14 restaurants, discos, pubs, pizzerias experiencing a huge influx of visitors, as couples tend to spend the day together. Too many young people are asking for the hand and heart of his lady have it in this romantic day. The most popular gifts are chocolates, fresh flowers, soft toys and sweets.
In China, the Valentine's Day traditions have not yet has been recently opened for themselves young and mostly not related by marriage people living in modern cities. The Chinese celebrate this day on the parties, order a romantic dinner or just go to the movies. Some give little gifts. Shops, bars and restaurants use this day as an excuse for special offers. And in August, the Chinese have a traditional holiday, very similar to Valentine's Day.
Perhaps the most original celebration of the Holy Day. Valentine proohodit in Japan, where it began with the filing of a large company for the production of chocolate in the 30s, and still remains the most popular chocolate gift. "Highlight" of the festival is an event called "The most resounding declaration of love." To construct a special platform where everyone scrambling to tell the world about their feelings, and take turns shouting recognition. Himself or the loudest are awarded a prize. It is interesting that on 14 February the gifts presented mostly men. St Day. Valentine's Day in Japan - is a kind of March 8, the men-only ... They decided to give all sorts of men's accessories (razors, lotions, wallets, etc.). Girls have to give chocolate a young man with whom they just met. The point is not easy, and compiled lists of gifts to the whole. This is not only the youth, but also a more solid age category. Chocolate is presented not only loved, but also out of a sense of duty. These chocolates are cheap and are called "giri choco" ( "obligatory chocolate"). He presented his brothers, colleagues, friends, and eat chocolate "Honma" - "chocolate with benefits", which can give only the most beloved man. Men do not remain in debt and give their sweethearts a month later, on March 14 white chocolate, because March 14 is referred to as "white day": gifts and greetings received only women.
As for Russia, here draw from all these practices a little bit; Moreover, customessaywritingly, the Russians can celebrate Valentine's Day twice a year! If the Day of St. Valentine borrowed in Europe, the day Peter and Fevronia - a "home" holiday, which is celebrated on July 8th. On the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia in the Orthodox tradition is not accepted to make any gifts heart-shaped or spend the evening by candlelight. Orthodox Christians in this day pray in cathedrals and churches.
The negative attitude to the holiday of St. Valentine show representatives of the Church and the national-patriotic youth associations, considering it foreign to Russian culture. ROC Archpriest Alexander Avdyugin called the celebration of Valentine's Day in Russia "commercialism triumph."
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